All African countries that own their core province Maroantsetra (4024) can get - as soon as the Europeans have colonies in Africa and India or East Indies - the event to play as or release Libertatia as a march. Are there any starts or are they event triggered? Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. gains government reform progress spent on current reforms by this country. While I enjoy pirate history and I would love to see them better represented in EU4 (I have my own pirate thread as a WIP), I don’t think this is the way to go. Maybe the Name of this Government type can be modified, depending on in which super-region its capital is: e.g. Thats like saying a nation can be a pirate republic even if they have the monarchy form of government.
The activities of the pirates caused havoc with trade and shipping … Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. gets ships up to the naval force limit (30%, 30%, 30% ). Ming 's unique Celestial Empire government form has the following factions. A pirate republic would be a doomed state that would make even an Aztec blush, and a player should want to destroy it rather than become one. They didnt even bother to copy paste some of the tributary state code over to make it closer to the way it was in history. gets regiments up to the land force limit (80%, 20% ).