I’d spent most of an afternoon exploring the towers and tall buildings of Boston and I’d made good ground. There was a time when four Jet shots literally saved my life. I still feel that huge rush can be such a monumental turning point in a fight, regardless of the downsides. As you can see from the image above my character has taken a notable hit to his strength and other stats leaving me much weaker after the drugs wore off than I had been previously. These drugs can be crafted into mixes of one another for example Psychojet, giving you the stat boost of the pyscho but also slowing down time.Ībusing this power can lead down a dark road. Alcohol – Each variant has a unique difference but most alcohols tend to increase Charisma and Strength but reduce Intelligence.Buffout – Increases Strength, Endurance and Max HP.Mentats – Increases Intelligence and Perception.Psycho – Increaces damage dealt and reduces damage taken.“So many chems, such varieties! Whenever I take Mentats, I can feel my entire chassis breeeeeathe like a big spherical lung.*coughs*”Įach drug shot and drink chugged has a different effect, the most common chems found are